Data Analytics Consultancy

Have you invested in a range of systems that contain valuable data but don’t have the time or expertise to extract it for maximum benefit to your organisation?

Data is essential in helping you gain a deeper understanding of your business and to drive forward improvements. However, the data is often stored across multiple standalone systems making extracting management information time-intensive and complex.

Our team of data analytics experts can support you in gaining increased visibility of the route profitability, reliability, and operational efficiency of your network. Using the data in your systems such as patronage data, lost mileage data, complaint and accident records, and duty allocation data, they will help you identify trends and investigate the root cause of any issues identified.  

Turning data into insights that delivers results

Dedicated, skilled analytics resource at your fingertips

Save valuable time and focus on other tasks

Smarter decision making by gaining a deeper understanding of your network

Improve patronage, revenue, and efficiency

Data analysis experts

Our analytics service provides you with a skilled resource who will extract maximum value from your operational and commercial data. Using their experience and knowledge, our team of experts combine the data from your systems and interrogate the information for you, saving you valuable time to focus on developing intervention strategies and driving forward business improvements.

We will produce monthly Key Performance Indicator packs with a commentary on the issues arising from the data and will address any questions you have through further analysis.  

Bespoke service

The flexible service is based on your organisation’s needs and requirements. We work with you to gain an understanding of your business goals and objectives, and what you want to extract from your data. We will then agree a plan for formulating and providing the information to support and monitor achievement of these objectives.

Data analytics consultancy in practice

A medium size bus operator who uses EPM software is concerned about the degree of lost miles, and is keen to ensure that any actions they take are targeted at areas that will have the greatest impact. They don’t have analyst resource available for this and approach EPM about their data analysis service.

We start by analysing lost mileage over the past year. The key reason for lost mileage is traffic delay, followed by on-road breakdowns, no service buses, and absent / late staff.

We look into each of these key areas in more detail.

Traffic delays

We drill down into routes and times and extract the hotspots. The notes made on the incident records, together with local knowledge obtained from the client, identify the causes to be a few key junctions. We will also provide information on the profitability of the routes concerned using information from our Route Performance module, which indicates the resulting financial impact from the traffic delays.

On road breakdowns

We delve into the detail of on road breakdowns that are causing lost miles. This shows that some vehicle models are causing more problems than others, and that the number of incidents with this type of model is increasing.

Absence, lateness, and sickness

Using the data in the Duty Allocation System, we analyse absence data comparing it across depots. This shows that the proportion of days lost to sickness is significantly greater in one depot than the others, and when cross referencing this with the number of interview records stored in our Operational Performance Module suggests a possible cultural issue.

Ongoing monitoring

We create an analytics dashboard that will monitor:

  • Lost miles overall, split by reason
  • Lost miles caused by traffic delays on a selection of key routes
  • Lost miles caused by on-road breakdowns for the model of concern
  • Absence and sickness rates, comparing across depots
  • Lost miles caused by absence and sickness

This is available online to the client, the dashboard would update daily with no input required from their team allowing them to have an up to date awareness of the effectiveness of the actions taken.

Analytics experts turning data into intelligence

With a team of industry specialists and solutions which span the entire efficiency chain from before the day planning, on the day operation, to after the day of operational analysis, we are uniquely placed to provide insights into your operations efficiency.  

We have an in depth understanding of the clients data and first hand knowledge of industry best practices, problems and solutions.


Software that drives your business forward

Showing benefits of bus operator software solution


Our Insights software solution delivers complete visibility of your bus operations through real-time management information and interactive dashboards.

Explore key areas of your organisation, from commercial to operations and engineering, with advanced software systems which consolidate data from across the business into one single source of truth.

The drill-down capability allows you to undertake intuitive interrogation of the data, investigating the root causes of any issues identified. Utilise the insight gained from the platform to develop improvement plans for your operation.