Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) – DfT IT Project update / Alpha Phase

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Following completion of the BSOG IT Project Discovery phase last year the Alpha stage has now commenced. The project is looking at how the BSOG claim process can be digitised in order to simplify the submission of both actual and estimate claims – it is not concerned with the wider BSOG reform process or the criteria that is used to determine BSOG payments.

The Alpha phase is being undertaken by Deloitte’s who are holding user research sessions with key stakeholders around the country. EPM recently attended the South West region session and were able to provide feedback on the processes and prototype screens that had so far been created. From what we have seen operators and their certifying auditors will have the facility to import data to avoid excessive manual entry. We were informed that these will be in standard file formats (excel, csv, etc). Both the EPM Traffic and VFM systems which are used to compile BSOG returns currently support these file formats and we will provide specially configured exports to meet the DfT requirements and simplify the user experience.

We understand that this stage of the project should be concluded before the end of the year, at which point the final Beta stage will commence.

We will provide updates on the EPM website as the project progresses, however in the meantime, if you have any questions then please get in touch with us on 01527 556940 or via email.