BSOG – common mistakes and how to avoid them

We are the leading BSOG auditors – certifying over 90% of the annual UK Government expenditure. Over the years we have developed auditing techniques and identified industry specific business processes to ensure that the claims we certify are accurate, compliant and therefore maximised.

With complex and ever-changing scheme rules, you need to feel confident that you’re receiving the BSOG funding you’re fully entitled to.

Follow our four-point plan below to help you avoid the common pitfalls when claiming BSOG, and prevent queries, delays and reductions following the submission of your claim.

Take a deep dive into each step for more detailed guidance, including the key questions you should ask yourself or your team to spotlight areas for improvement, and give you the confidence that your claim is accurate.

Click on each point below to find out how to maximise BSOG claims and avoid payment delays


Eligible Kilometres

  • Commercial or tendered?
  • School services?
  • Are you up to date?
  • What about the ‘gained’


Fuel Consumption Factor

  • All fuel captured?
  • Are odometers measuring accurately?
  • Correct vehicles included?


Incentive Payments

  • AVL maximised?
  • Which vehicles meet LCEB criteria?
  • Are LCEB mileages correct?


Estimate Accuracy

  • Submit in good time
  • No tendered mileage
  • Mileage comparator
  • Check the KPL
  • New service details

Meet your consultant

Matthew Hanlon
BSOG Director

A chartered accountant with over 20 years’ experience in the industry, Matthew Hanlon is responsible for BSOG at EPM.

His team of industry-leading auditors, with over 100 years of claiming experience between them, have built up a vast knowledge of the BSOG scheme and business process improvement – advising both operators and Government bodies.

“Using our experience and knowledge, EPM will ensure that your BSOG claim is accurate, compliant and maximised, and we will also be there to manage all correspondence with the Department for Transport on your behalf – giving you back precious time and money to focus on optimising other areas of your business.”

Take the hassle out of claiming

For a free consultation on how EPM can assist you with your BSOG claim, get in touch with our expert Matthew Hanlon by completing the online form or call 01527 556940.